Natura’s Big Beans is a very tasty sort of high quality, originating from a variety of beans from Kyrgyzstan. Its beans are large and white, suitable for preparing all traditional Bulgarian dishes with beans.

The Natura beans from Kyrgyzstan are nutritious, taste great and easy to cook. Its large round grains are suitable for a variety of recipes:

  • Bean soups;
  • Crushed beans;
  • Bean salads;
  • Bean puree.

It is great for baking and cooking. It usually takes about an hour to prepare it and it is recommended to soak it in water for 10-12 hours beforehand.

The beans of Big Beans variety are rich in protein. This makes it a great alternative for people who are fasting and the vegetarian and vegan communities. Its composition is distinguished by its richness of:

  • Fiber;
  • Zinc;
  • Iron;
  • Selenium;
  • Potassium;
  • Magnesium;
  • Phosphorus;
  • Group B vitamins.

The regular consumption of Kyrgyz beans normalizes the levels of “bad” cholesterol in the blood, improves blood sugar levels and digestion. It is also good for the immune system and general health, as it is an important component of every balanced and healthy diet.

Natura’s Big Beans provides you with the best of nature in the form of a warm and delicious dish. Each bean in the 1 kg package undergoes a thorough analysis and quality control so that it always tastes equally wonderful.