Natura Jars


Natura Jars

Just imagine - a cabinet with canned tenderness, love and warmth. Or in other words – delicious winter food, taking you back to your childhood memories of your grandmother's pantry. Do you wish you had it now, in an instant? Jars of sterilized Natura products bring it to you without having to make any effort or time.

They contain carefully selected beans and chickpeas prepared according to traditional recipes. Cleaning, souring, flavoring and boiling - all this is already done by our culinary experts. All that remains for you is the joy of food. Natura jars are ready for direct consumption, while at the same time helping to easily create stews, salads, appetizers and side dishes.

With their help, you will probably impress even your grandmother and mother-in-law. But let's not exclude gentlemen who can please their beloved with a romantic dinner that includes healthy and delicious chickpeas.

The Natura jar series offers you:

  • White beans;
  • Garden beans;
  • Beans with vegetables;
  • Chickpeas.

Beans and chickpeas are two extremely useful legumes, rich in fiber, calcium, potassium, iron, magnesium, copper, manganese, zinc, selenium, B vitamins, vitamin C, vitamin A and many other micronutrients important for health. However, these days they are less and less present on the table, as their preparation requires hours of souring, changing water and boiling. With Natura's jars, you skip these time-consuming steps and proceed directly to consumption!

In addition, all Natura jars are produced from native agricultural produce in a Bulgarian enterprise with an IFS quality certificate. Their recipes are made with 100% natural ingredients and do not contain any preservatives. Try them now!


We care about achieving a healthy meal for every family.

Before reaching you, every grain undergoes strict analysis and inspection.